Soonr byter namn till Autotask Workplace

För ett tag sedan blev företaget Soonr, vars tjänst vi erbjuder uppköpta av Autotask, en stor amerikansk leverantör.

Under helgen den 26-27:e November kommer din Soonr-klient att brandas om till Autotask Workplace.
Mer nedan kan du ta del av den information som vi har fått av Autotask i samband med detta.

Notera även att tjänsten har blivit uppgraderad med flera snitsiga funktioner, läs mer här.



Message from Autotask regarding rebranding of Soonr Worplace

Autotask is pleased to announce we’ll be performing a service update over the coming weekend (26 November 2016). In this update, the Soonr service will be rebranded to Autotask Workplace and we’ll add various new features.

The release will be staggered. Workplace Online will be updated over the weekend. Workplace Desktop and Mobile will become available in the weeks to follow. The current Desktop and Mobile applications will continue to function.



All components of the Soonr Workplace service will be rebranded: the three primary components, the partner portal, the Outlook plugin, the SSO integrations, the Online Editing integrations, etc.



The following components will be deprecated and no longer supported with this update:

  • Soonr Workplace Mobile app for Windows (will no longer be able to connect to the service)
    • Average of 4 active users a month (globally)
  • Soonr Workplace Mobile app for Blackberry (will no longer be able to connect to the service)
    • No active users (globally)
  • Soonr Desktop Agent for Linux (will continue to function but will not be supported)


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